About me

You´re studying Communication and suddenly realize that you don´t like cinema (or video, or radio, or tv) as your future career. Panic. But I discoverer I loved photography. After that, I´ve always been working in something related to it.

I know many stories of the History, I have a small camera obscura and I still remember the smell of chemical at the analogic lab. I learnt Photoshop in such an old version that I prefer not talking about it. I taught photography at the university, I did graphic edition for a very well known fashion magazine, and I´ve touched (with gloves, of course) centenary images in glass plates for exhibitions.

I´ve always had photography around. But I don´t have my own photographic equipment yet. I used my camera phone. I started this blog as a way of improving my creativity and somehow recovering my passion for photography. I think I´ve achieved those goals. And I keep on photographing. One photo a day. Or so.


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